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My Why for Starting This Business

Hello and Welcome!!

 I'm here to inspire women & men in very special and unique ways by coaching them to become better stewards specifically in the areas of their skin, which is primarily controlled by the gut, which in turn affects everything including heart and reproductive health. We are all uniquely different, so that mean the products we use will be also! I have been blessed along my journey to meet two beautiful women "Juanita & Ramona", who are proficient within their crafts of natural health which further inspired me to adopt  the natural desire to heal my body.  My goal is to cultivate this same awareness in you about the daily bad behaviors that you have direct control over that affect you in ways that you rarely pay attention to until it's obvious that you are being affected. 

 I seek to expose you to opportunities to do better from inside-out by offering you a diverse yet specific set of product that's proven to work for me and other's. These products include 100% organic, natural high potency healing oils, biodegradable body and bath cleansing products, natural gut and skin regimens, and reproductive health products that we will customize and hopefully assist you in taking care of those area's that control so much of your overall physical & mental Peace . The body usually conforms to whatever we are doing at the time, so promoting your pretty means, that you work, fight for, and push to change everything from your spiritual connection down to physical limits at being the best "pretty" you can be! My walk to better skin, gut and reproductive health has become my testimony  and passion! It wasn't hard work, it just required discipline!


The information shared on this website is NOT intended to replace consultations with qualified healthcare professionals, and is not intended as medical advice. 



PYP Work & Community Events

Sharing is Caring

I believe in sharing all that I learn! It takes a village in all things, and health is now considered wealth, so it's our duty to pass on the good works of others that may help someone else. You will find literature on my website from Dr's, profound video links, varied literature written by me from research that I have compiled for your to review. I am a open book, so you may find below my personal testimony relevant to my eczema, uterine fibroid's, and heart a condition that I've fought and am winning!  Once you know better, you do better, and it then becomes a movement!

I breathe this business as I'm not only inspired by my own health concerns, but personal loss from family members that didn't have the success I've had, and it was simply because they didn't know! That hurts! From this pain, my energy is to coach on very simple regimens that may forever change a life, because it definitely changed mine! The body was designed to heal itself, so once we stop feeding it the wrong things, it can do just that, AMEN! My company will challenge, empower, and coach you in diverse ways to assist you in "Promoting Yr Pretty! I have been in the business of female empowerment for almost ten years, and now supporting efforts in natural, organic and holistic medicine which is universal to everyone. The information that I'll share is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not intended or to be taken as medical advice. I host workshops, various types of in-home personal parties, vendor and expo events, so reach out to me to schedule your event today!

Pamela @ Promote Yr Pretty LLC

High Fructose Corn Syrup is the number one cause for ALL major illnesses we suffer as humans.  Review the post above, especially the 3rd button down!  It's in 80% of the product we use, ingest and for some of us promote. Anything with this in it as an ingredient need to be discarded. Any product that has ingredients that you can't read or understand need to be discarded !


Calendula is another one of the world's best kept secrets. I found this article online, and thought that this would be the most effective way of sharing it with my clients. It help me heal past my eczema scarring. This oil is the basis for ALL things good! I sell this healing oil in 2 oz,  for $18 and 4 oz for $30. The oil is stored in UV glass bottles to protect it ensuring it's potency and a 2 year shelf life.  I also  offer a 100% organic natural body scrubs that will include this wonderful product! If it ain't natural it won't help "Promote yr Pretty"!


Good Reading Material

Please Read each of the 4 sections listed

Diatomaceous Earth Benefits & Uses

Click this UTUBE link on DE if you prefer to hear it verbally.

However as a point of reference DE:

Detoxifies the Body. ...

•Helps Purify Water. ...

•Fights Parasites. ...

•Helps Clean and Protect Skin, Nails and Teeth

•improved digestion and more regular bowel movements

•better liver and colon functioning

•improved detoxification and removal of heavy metals

•stronger immune function and protection from illnesses

•a cleaner home, free from parasites, bed bugs and viruses

•stronger bones and protection from fractures or osteoporosis

•improved joint and ligament health

•improved energy

•for dogs and cats, cleaner skin and protection from flees

Diatomaceous earth is safe for humans and animals to consume and also beneficial for skin, so it’s used both inside and outside the body. The Food and Drug Administration lists food grade diatomaceous earth as “Generally Recognized as Safe,” which means it’s legally allowed to be added to many different types of foods, beverages and supplements. (9) Small amounts of silica are normally present in all body tissues and usually found in urine too, so it’s well-tolerated and not known to cause many side effects. (10)

Today, there are over 150 pesticide-related products registered for use both indoors and outdoors that contain DE. There are also thousands of non-pesticide, food grade diatomaceous earth products that are used on the skin, in food, and in supplements or medications.

Promoting yr Pretty & Peace (my regimen)

Peace just like Pretty is always better when it's promoted from the inside-out! However, surrounding yourself around good Karma to include Candles, good food, and Art never hurt! These few processes I have learned to adopt over the past year and it's truly helping at keeping things simple:


Only eat & Put on my body what I understand!

Make Whole Foods 3/4ths of my groceries.

Exercise for at least 3 full days out of 7. But, Exercise my abs daily!

Drink more Water.

Do not buy anything that states that it is Genetically Engineered.

Dry Brush entire body before showers to exfoliate & detox skin to promote lymphatic health!

Use only natural Soaps, oils and body care products. NO Aluminum

Purchase fresh groceries and enough to carry me until my next pay period. No more Storing food long termed! SOLD Deep Freezer!

Get a Bi-Monthly Professional Massage and Adjustment!

Give myself 1 hour of "me time"each night before bed! Reflection!

Embrace Happy People and pour only into those that feed positivity into you! You have no time to waste time on anything or anyone that doesn't "PROMOTE YR PRETTY"

You Say you LOVE THE SKIN you're in ....Prove it!

My Homemade body oils and scrubs are going to not only help heal your skin, but offer it's vibrancy, elasticity, and youthfulness because each is 100% natural or mix with all Organic or natural oils and herbs! These products are a great addition to any physical regimen to include dry brushing, and any  exercises to promote tightening and detoxing the skin.

Love Yourself while You Chase YOURSELF - What I preach in most of my workshops!!

"YOU" are your only competition! In building a better life  you must consistently  hunt "the one" you have yet to become! Shift focus from all things that inhibit increase! I am Grateful to be in a position in my life where I embrace who I am un-apologetically. This new chapter of change becoming a naturalista has challenges that require discipline! I speak LIFE as I'm on my way to becoming a "one stop shop company", coaching all those around me to adopt natural basic behaviors that will help promote healthier responses from their gut, skin and reproductive areas.  As I share one of my favorite natural photo's, I am reminded that it is vitally important to embrace ourselves in full! Be bold & beautiful from the inside-out, build your brand even if it takes multiple businesses to do so. Focus on "Promoting Yr Pretty" as only YOU can! 

Visual Examples of Skin Care Box/Baskets & Other Vital Printed Resource Materials​

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